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RudyOosterndijk | 08 Mär : 16:03
Hey marc/ZGR! Ich habe das mal an Crono weitergeleitet.
zegarek | 04 Mär : 22:13
Kann man seinen Namen ändern? Würde gerne zegarek heißen xd
zegarek | 04 Mär : 22:11
Hallo Rudy
RudyOosterndijk | 03 Jan : 20:52
RudyOosterndijk | 05 Aug : 17:02
"Power is nothing without control."

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Programme [ Programme / Nützliches ]
GeneRally HMap Editor
Autor mlynki
Autor Website [link]
Beschreibung GeneRally HMap Editor is a height map editor for the game GeneRally. There is an original track editor for the game which is good, but limited when it comes to terrain height map editing. So I wrote a program for this specific purpose. It works in full 3D and since I added various functions to it it is also useful for other things apart from height map editing.
- 2D top down view + editing in full 3D
- several tool types for terrain modelling with configurable strength, area size and with an option to create own 'pen' shapes.
- opens BMP and GeneRally-native TRK formats, saves BMP or TRK
- surface is displayed using colors depending on height or using texture from TRK or BMP file, can also display objects
- ability to see the terrain from first-person perspective (driver or someone standing on the surface)
- undo/redo
- more advanced tools for track editing: gradient tool, track shift, modify global height/height range
- screenshot tool, edit in-game view, edit track author data
+other options and settings
Bild Klicken Sie hier für eine Voransicht
Filegrösse 463,16 kb
Datum Sonntag 18 September 2011 - 15:38:18
Downloads 1556
 10.0 - 2 Abstimmungen 
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Kaiserkoenig 18 Sep : 15:39

Danke Crono

Haselnuss 18 Sep : 18:00

Danke Crono kann jetzt strecken mit Hmap machen

Kaiserkoenig 18 Sep : 18:26

Kann man doch vorher auch?

Crono weiß warum ich mich bedankt habe

HSC-King 26 Sep : 14:02

??das teil hab ich schon nen jahr ...

Kaiserkoenig 04 Okt : 19:22


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